May 24, 2011

Road Trip in the East : Gaspésie

On the last morning in Québec, I went with Mario to the train station, as he was going to Montreal, before I went to the car rental company to pick-up my best friend for 11 days... a car!

Of course I couldn't print the voucher at the hostel and the company absolutely needed it so one of the guys just drove me to the public library to print it - now I got a member card of the library of Quebec, so useful...
Anyway, after a while and some effort I finally got the voucher and I could get the car. The guys of the company are very nice and they were just starring at me as if I were an alien when I told them that I was heading to the East coast, to Nova Scotia, for a bit more than one week and alone.... I wonder why they were so surprised....

So at about 11.30 am I was ready to go or almost... I decided to buy a GPS because for 11 days it wasn't worth it to rent one and it's useful when you don't have any idea of the direction you have to take. By the way, I just hate GPS and I know why...

First step of my disorganized plan was Gaspésie and a stop in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts for the first night. It took me something like 6 hours, if my memories are good, to get there without real stops. The weather was just bad : wind, pouring rain,... in short, not the best conditions to drive. When I arrived in Sainte-Anne, the place where I wanted to stay was closed for the season (I decided to not book anything in advance...) so I ended spending a lot for a night in a motel. Very comfortable but I'm used to youth hostel now and it's not the same mood. Sainte-Anne is nice, just very small.

I would say the same for the whole Gaspésie. The coast is very long, it took me the first and the second day of my road trip to go through it. This is very nice, a very special mood, but with a bad weather it's just spoiled... I stopped many times on the way to New Brunswick and at the end, everything just look the same to me, maybe just because of the rain... An other part of Canada to explore when the weather is good.

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